What will be affected by the lack of refrigerant in the screw chiller?

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Nowadays, the ice water and refrigeration operations of screw chillers are based on refrigerants. Without refrigerants, there will be no cooling function of screw chillers. It is found that the cooling effect of screw chillers on equipment is reduced. Therefore, after the amount of cold water is reduced, refrigeration It is very likely that the refrigerant is insufficient. Then, when the refrigerant of the screw chiller is insufficient, what kind of performance and state will appear, and how to observe and understand it correctly?

First, due to the sudden increase of the compressor load of the screw chiller, sometimes overload protection occurs, basically it is not a problem with the compressor, but it can be judged whether the refrigerant is insufficient, because there is not enough refrigerant in the working room of the compressor , so the compression effect of a small amount of refrigerant will be compared to that of a normal amount of refrigerant, and the compressor will automatically increase the workload accordingly.

Second, through the observation of the liquid mirror, you can directly observe whether there is refrigerant. It is generally believed that the defect of refrigerant can be understood through the observation of the liquid mirror. However, foaming is not necessarily a defect of refrigerant, it may also be a malfunction of the system or other reasons, so further observation and confirmation are needed.

Because there are many reasons for the lack of refrigerant, including normal consumption, but on the other hand, there may be abnormal consumption. Without normal consumption, the most common reason is leakage. Refrigerant leakage is a common problem, and it is also a shortage of refrigerant in screw chillers. , The main reason for the shortage of refrigerants.