What are the operating characteristics and requirements of the screw chiller

Reading What are the operating characteristics and requirements of the screw chiller 2 minutes

It is now known that the cold water compressor of the screw chiller has a single-phase compression process during operation. When the rotor rotates, the refrigerant vapor is directly compressed and sucked by the tooth grooves of the compressor, and is sent to the bottom of the corresponding compression space. While continuing to operate, the suction pressure of the refrigerant vapor is compressed to the condensing pressure as the base volume decreases. The screw chiller has a special medium-pressure interface to save costs. In this operating mode, direct compression can be achieved. And add air.

Therefore, the cooling water capacity of the screw chiller system, as well as the operating efficiency and reliability have been improved, and the specially designed cost-saving interface realizes no compression return loss, ensuring that the compressor of the screw chiller maintains the best operating state during the load phase, and its screw chiller When the evaporating temperature of the machine is low, the efficiency of the ordinary single-screw compressor is reduced, the cooling water volume of the equipment is reduced, and the exhaust temperature is increased. Increase the amount of cold water to reduce the discharge temperature of the compressor.

Because the chiller of the screw chiller is usually filled with refrigerant according to its regulations before leaving the factory, after it is installed on site, no accidental damage is found in the visual inspection, and all valves can be opened for adjustment during use. When refrigerant leakage or shortage is found, it must first Find the specific leakage point and eliminate the leakage fault. At the same time, according to the requirements of the product instruction manual, fill and supplement the refrigerant of the same brand, and pay attention to the filling amount of the refrigerant to meet the technical requirements, so as to achieve the ideal use effect.