How to clean and maintain industrial chillers

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Because the industrial chillers that are always running need comprehensive maintenance after running for a period of time, for many enterprises, due to the weak awareness of daily maintenance, after using the industrial chillers for a long time, the industrial chillers cannot be effectively maintained. The lack of necessary repair and maintenance of chillers means that the failure rate of industrial chillers is very high in the later operation.

No matter how high the overall operation quality of the industrial chiller is, if no maintenance is performed within the specified time, the industrial chiller may malfunction to some extent, especially in many water-cooled industrial chillers, if there is scale problem after long-term operation , cannot effectively remove the scale, the range of scale will expand after long-term accumulation, which directly affects the heat dissipation effect of the industrial chiller. If the industrial chiller is operated under the premise that the heat dissipation performance is affected, the energy consumption of the equipment will increase in a large range, which will seriously affect Stable operation of industrial chillers.

In order to maintain the safe and stable operation of the industrial chiller, the industrial chiller must be fully cleaned after half a year. In particular, it is necessary to focus on cleaning places that are prone to dirt, and use various professional cleaning solvents to achieve better cleaning effects and maintain industrial chillers. High heat dissipation performance, due to the high frequency of use of industrial chillers, in the case of bad environment, in order to reduce the probability of failure of industrial chillers, the cycle of cleaning time can be shortened, and industrial chillers can be fully cleaned and maintained. Proper cleaning and maintenance can prolong the life of the industrial chiller and avoid various failures affecting the safe operation of the industrial chiller.